RepairSolutions2: How to use your Handheld OBD2 to update your report on RS2

Step 1 - Pair your RS2 app with your handheld.

  • Once you have successfully paired your handheld OBD2 scanner with the RepairSolutions2 App, a Quick Scan will be performed immediately, which will provide a report containing all DTC codes associated with your Check Engine Light, as depicted in the figure to the left.

    Select Results to see the DTC codes for your Check Engine Light.

Note: If the data does not automatically transfer, keep open and the tool plugged into your vehicle, then select Relink on your handheld.

Step 2 - Perform a Module scan on your OBD2 Device.

  • Once you initiate a module test on your handheld OBD2 device, the results from that test will automatically generate your report on the RepairSolutions2 App. 
  • Select Tap to View Results to upload the DTC codes for that specific module.

Note: If you already performed module tests on your handheld OBD2 before pairing your OBD2 device to the RS2 app the app will automatically generate a report for the error codes for those modules as well.

Step 3 - Visit the Report History.

  • After selecting Tap to View Results select Results from the new box popup as shown on the left screen to navigate towards the scan results from your monitor test.    
  • In this case, performing an ABS scan on your OBD2 device will generate DTC codes for your ABS.

Note: Your new scan results will show in the same report that was automatically generated when you first paired your app to your OBD2 handheld device. To create a new report with your handheld OBD2 device, simply reset your RS2 app and repair your device to your handheld OBD2 again.

Step 4 - Continue to perform module tests on your vehicle to update your report.

  • In this case, performing a TPMS scan with your handheld OBD2 device will update the existing report with DTC codes related to your TPMS modules.

    Notice how 11 DTC codes are added to your existing number of codes found.

    Select Results again to view your report.

  • Your Report will automatically update with new information.

    Select any module to view the DTC codes for that specific module.

Note: To generate a new report in the app, unpair your device and pair it again to your OBD2 device, or you can select Global OBDII on your handheld OBD2 device to generate a new report for your Check Engine Light.

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