Innova 5510: Scanning & Viewing DTCs for MIL Check Engine Light (Global OBD2)

Scanning for MIL Check Engine Light

When you connect the 5510 to your vehicle, it will automatically perform a scan and display codes for your check engine light (refer to Code Retrieval Procedures). However, you can also perform this function manually.

Step 1 - Press the System Status button.

  • Press the System Status button to get to the System Menu

Step 2 - Select Global OBD2 then press ENTER ↵.

  • The System Menu will display.

    Select Global OBD2 then press ENTER ↵.

Note: Global OBD2 is another term for scanning codes for your MIL check engine light.

Step 3 - The 5510 will retrieve and display your Check Engine DTCs, Monitor Status, and Freeze Frame Data from your vehicle’s computer memory.

  • Wait until the auto-link status is 100% completed.

    The 5510 will display a code only if codes are present.

    If no codes are present, the No Powertrain DTCs or Freeze Frame Data presently stored in the vehicle’s computer will display.

    The 5510 is capable of retrieving and storing up to 32 codes in memory, for immediate or later viewing.

    Refer to Display Functions for a description of display elements. 

    In the case of codes with long definitions, a small arrow is shown in the upper/lower right-hand corner of the display area to indicate the presence of additional information.  If a definition for the currently displayed code is not available, an advisory message will show.

    Depending on the results of your scan, you may find green, yellow, and red LEDs as visual aids to make it easier to determine engine system conditions. 

    • Green LED – Indicates that all engine systems are OK and operating normally. All monitors supported by the vehicle have run and performed their diagnostic testing, and no trouble codes are present. All monitor icons will be solid.
    • Yellow LED – Indicates one of the following conditions:
      • A pending code is present – If the yellow LED is illuminated, it may indicate a Pending code is present. Check the display for confirmation. A pending code is confirmed by the presence of a numeric code and the word PENDING.
      • Monitor Not Run Status – If the display shows a zero (indicating there are no DTCs present in the vehicle’s computer memory), but the yellow LED is illuminated, it may be an indication that some of the monitors supported by the vehicle have not yet run and completed their diagnostic testing. Check the display for confirmation. All blinking monitor icons have not yet run and completed their diagnostic testing; all monitor icons that are solid have run and completed their diagnostic testing.
    • Red LED – Indicates there is a problem with one or more of the vehicle’s systems. The red LED is also used to indicate that DTC(s) are present. In this case, the Malfunction Indicator lamp (Check Engine Light) on the vehicle’s instrument panel will be illuminated.

Step 4 - Press the Freeze Frame button to view Freeze Frame data.

  • Press the Freeze Frame button to view Freeze Frame data.
  • The Freeze Frame screen will display.

    Long press the ENTER ↵ button to view the code definition highlighted.

  • The PID Description will display.

    When you release the ENTER ↵ button, the page will return to the Freeze Frame screen.

  • On the Freeze Frame screen, press the Freeze Frame button to return to DTCs.

Step 5 - To return to your Global OBD2 Diagnostics screen, press the DTC/FF button.

  • To return to your check engine codes, monitor status, and freeze frame data, press the DTC/FF button.

    Each time the DTC/FF is pressed and released, the 5510 will scroll and display the next DTC in sequence until all DTCs in its memory have been displayed.

Note: When the last retrieved DTC has been displayed, press the DTC/FF button or the DOWN ▼ button to return to the first code.

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