Innova 5510: Scanning & Viewing OEM Enhanced DTCs
Viewing OEM Enhanced DTCs (except Ford/Mazda)
When OEM Enhanced is chosen from the System Menu, the 5510 retrieves OEM Enhanced DTCs from the vehicle’s computer.
Step 1 - While linked to your vehicle, press the System Status button.
- While linked to your vehicle, press the System Status button to navigate to your list of scan options.
Step 2 - Press DOWN ▼to scroll down to OEM Enhanced then press ENTER ↵.
- Scroll through the options in the System Menu by pressing the DOWN ▼ button, and select the OEM Enhanced option by pressing ENTER ↵.
Step 3 - Select Yes and press ENTER ↵ to confirm your vehicle.
- Confirm your vehicle by selecting Yes and pressing ENTER ↵.
Step 4 - Wait for the 5510 to complete the scan.
A One moment please message will display while the 5510 retrieves the selected DTCs. Wait until the scan is 100% complete.
If the 5510 fails to link to the vehicle’s computer, a Communication Error message will show. In this case:
- Ensure your vehicle is OBD2 compliant.
- Verify the connection at the DLC, and verify the ignition is On.
- Turn the ignition Off, wait 5 seconds, then back On to reset the computer.
- Press the POWER/LINK button to continue.
- If the 5510 cannot link to the vehicle’s computer after three attempts, the message Contact Technical Support displays. Follow the steps below:
- Press the System Status button to return to the System Menu.
- Turn the ignition off, and disconnect the 5510 from the DLC.
- Contact Technical Support for assistance.
Step 5 - Press UP▲ or DOWN▼ to scroll through your OEM codes.
Press the UP ▲ and DOWN ▼ buttons to scroll through the OEM codes.
You may refer to Display Functions for a description of LCD display elements.
If the definition for the currently displayed code is not available, an advisory message shows.
Also, I/M Monitor Status icons are not displayed when viewing enhanced DTCs.
In the case of long code definitions, a small arrow is shown in the upper/lower right-hand corner of the code display area to indicate the presence of additional information.
If no codes are present, the message No OEM Enhanced DTCs are presently stored in the vehicle’s computer shows. Press the System Status button to return to the System Menu.
To exit the enhanced mode, press any Hot Key.
Step 6 - To return to your OEM enhanced codes, press the DTC/FF button.
To return to your OEM codes after pressing any button, press the DTC/FF button to re-display your OEM codes.
If more than one code was retrieved press DTC/FF to display additional codes one at a time.
Whenever the scroll function is used, the 5510’s communication link with the vehicle’s computer disconnects. To re-establish communication, press POWER/LINK again.
Note: Initiating another test from the System Menu such as scanning for SRS will replace the ABS codes shown with the SRS codes when you press the DTC/FF button.